Here are some general strategies to prepare for these tests:
Get a Review Book
Look over a review book to get a sense of the sections on the test, which mainly consist of reading, verbal reasoning (such as identifying the word that is synonymous, or the same as, the given word), and math. Get a sense of the format of the sections and the time allotted for each section.
Take Timed Practice Tests
Practice taking the tests under simulated test conditions, giving yourself only as much time as the test allows. Be sure to pay attention to how you pace yourself on these tests, and note if you are taking too much time, or if you are rushing. Instead of getting hung up on one question, mark any question you are unsure about and go back to it when you've finished the other questions.
Boost Your Weak Areas
If you find that you are consistently getting certain types of test questions wrong, go back and correct those areas. For example, you may need to work on one area of math, such as fractions or percents, or you may need to work on your vocabulary by making flash cards with the most commonly used vocabulary words on these tests, which are available in the test review books. read more :
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